Gercy - Your Sourcing Partner in China

Maximize your business value with Gercy, the professional sourcing partner in China, providing quality products, factory inspection, and shipment services.

Services we provide

Professional Product Sourcing in China

Our service specializes in sourcing high-quality products from trusted suppliers, ensuring your business has access to the best products in the market.

Expert Factory Inspection Services in China

Our factory inspection service provides a comprehensive assessment of your facility to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Quality Assurance: Product Inspection Services

Our product inspection service ensures that every item meets quality standards through meticulous examination and evaluation.

Efficient Warehouse and Shipment Solutions

Our warehouse and shipment service provides secure and efficient storage and delivery solutions for your business needs.

Sourcing Success: TechConnect and Gercy Collaboration

Gercy collaborated with TechConnect Solutions as their sourcing and inspection service provider, ensuring quality and compliance with industry standards.

Sourcing Success: TechConnect and Gercy Collaboration

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Customized Warehousing and Shipping Solution for FashionStyle Retail

Gercy assisted FashionStyle Retail with a customized warehousing and shipping solution, ensuring accurate and timely deliveries to customers in different regions.



ADD:4th Floor,Wanhang building,Shida Road,Liaobu,Dongguan,China.523400

copyright@gercytechnology co.,ltd All rights reserved